The school provides healthy and nutritious school meals that are cooked onsite. The contents of each school meal is in line with Healthy Eating Guidelines which is a requirement for all schools. Three-weekly menus are displayed in the school hall and are accompanied by regular theme days.
The price of school meals is £2.60 each day, £13.00 per week for KS2 children. All monies will be collected using 'School Gateway'.
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a Universal Infant Free School Meal (UIFSM), irrespective of family income and family circumstances. If your circumstances change in future and you then receive benefits, you will need to apply for a Free School Meal (FSM). The number of children entitled to a FSM affects the funding we receive as a school. Therefore, we kindly ask all parents that believe they may be entitled, to apply for FSM. These forms can be collected from the school office or downloaded online from
Download Parkfield Dinner Menus (Winter 24)
Download Parkfield Dinner Menus (Spring/Summer 24)